wats going on?
when I start mobiling from office after works yesterday, there was a super-duper-larger dark clouds flying from sumwhere to sumwhere. I start worried. I think, theres gonna be a heavy storm cumming. together-gether wit rain la weiii... on da way back home, after Kota Jembal, the rain start rintik-rintik small hehehe... Q1, Q3, Q5 & Q-wattever. I couldn't see the road... where got road man! hehehe... suddently after Binjai Junction, cars start to queue-up long-long. I see there was a car giving hi-light lup-lap-lup-lap... turn back! halamakkkk.... tree fall down in da middle of da road. damn! nak cepat, dah jadi lambat jugak. konon by-pass kot Binjai, dah kena turn balik kot Kubang Kerian.
I quickly page to repeater Kota Bharu informing to all Hams around, kot2 ada yg lalu jalan tu, sure nyanye. then I switch to Resque Repeater by BOMBA, giving info to MAWAR (they using Flower Callsign hehehe...). At lease my mobile radio ada manfaat gak, alhamdulillah.
My otak dok pikir2.... "how was my ikat-kat-batang-buluh-antenna?". kalu patah kes nyanye beb! tak pasal2 ground-plane sure patah nye. nak beli baru? malam sikitttt....
park kat my parking rasmi. jenguk2. THERE!!!... my antenna still standing, wpun not really strong. abis ciiter. 73. 88.
p/s - cian pok HAR, antenna 4-step diapole dia patah... abis dh yg power hehehe...
U panggil pakai callsign apa?
ada saper2 pakai callsign 'Bunga Tai Ayam' ke? Hee hee ...
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
JAR: I guna callsign Bunga Gate (Kantan)
ANON: mmg ada org guna callsign Bunga Taik Ayam... tp jarang masyuk kt repeater tu...
p/s - use ID la u people weiii...
Sedikit cadangan ikhlas daripada aku:
1.Bungapa kabar? (bunga indonesia)
2.Tanjung Bunga (bunga Penang mari)
2.Bunga-bunga bertaburan..
4. Cik Mek Membunga...(hok ni soheh mek kelate)
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